Can Hydrogen Water help skin health? An updated report.

Can Hydrogen Water help skin health? An updated report.
A study focused on Barcelona, found that the sustainability benefits of avoiding bottled water far outweighed the perceived health benefits of drinking it. Learn more about bottled water
Can molecular hydrogen helpm you to sleep better?
Why Would You Want to Remove Chloramines? And What About the Fish?
Alkaline diet is a very simple approach to improving the health of your bones that practitioners here in the US have overlooked for almost a century now. It’s available to anyone, it’s natural, it’s not terribly expensive — and you don’t even need health insurance to use it.
We were lucky enough to be right there with the first ever hydrogen tablets some five years ago. Now we’re still way out front with our high yield hydrogen tablets.
This summary of his ideas about the role of water are nothing short of astounding. Read on and be amazed.
Graphene Oxide: a new water contaminant and how we MIGHT get rid of it.
Rounding up Roundup: A Witches’ Brew of Contamination Glyphosate and Fluoride make lead problems in water worse. To make matters worse, widespread glyphosate use can make water more effective when it comes to stripping lead from pipes.
A simple way to become alkaline balanced without eating kilos of Greens
This report just just been released. It shows how researchers tested H2 water on scalp health. For me, it opens up a whole world of possibilities.
95% of people who invest in multilevel marketing (pyramid) schemes never recoup their initial investment. Take a look at a simple, non-electric water ionizer that outperforms electric old technology units sold via MLM in both filtration and hydrogen generation.
Did you know that the pH of your body has a direct impact on your bones? Believe it or not, when your body is too acidic, it starts to leach calcium from your bones.
A simple way to become alkaline balanced without eating kilos of Greens
Heavy metals in your drinking water: far more common than you think.