Testicular Plastics? cover

Testicular Plastics?

Recent research has uncovered microplastics in human testicles, raising critical concerns about male fertility. The study found these particles in every sample tested, suggesting potential interference with sperm production. Addressing plastic pollution is essential to safeguard future generations’ health and reproductive capabilities.

Ocean Spray the biggest PFAS problem. cover

Ocean Spray the biggest PFAS problem.

Recent research reveals that ocean spray is releasing more PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” into the atmosphere than all industrial sources combined. These persistent substances pose significant health risks, including cancer and kidney disease.

“Short penises, lower sperm count.. all from drinking water. Learn more about PFAS now. cover

“Short penises, lower sperm count.. all from drinking water. Learn more about PFAS now.

Recent research reveals that perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water are linked to serious male reproductive health issues, including smaller penises and lower sperm counts. These findings highlight the urgent need to address PFAS contamination globally. Learn more about mitigating these risks and protecting future generations.

Navigating the World of PFAS: Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle cover

Navigating the World of PFAS: Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

PFAS, often called “forever chemicals,” are found in everyday items from non-stick cookware to waterproof clothing. Linked to health issues like liver damage and cancer, reducing your exposure is crucial. Learn practical steps to minimize PFAS in your life for a healthier future.

Be Like Water cover

Be Like Water

We need water. We all accept that without water, we can only live a matter of days — that’s how critically our body relies on water to survive.

Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know. cover

Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know.

So.. why is most of our tap water. reticulated through pipes to our home, alkaline? It’s nothing to do with nature. It’s to do with the need to counter further acidity caused by the acidic chemicals we use to kill bugs in the water.