Why is the UltraStream more expensive than most water filters?
drinking water
Just when you thought it was safe to eat…. Obesegens are here!
We are drenched with ‘fixit’ messages here on the web. Eat less, exercise more. But how come we constantly hear of people doing just that and hey, they still pack the pounds?
Ultra Processed food / Ultraprocessed water: is there a difference for your health?
New study links ultraprocessed foods to premature deaths. But.. what about water?
Are You Drinking Parasites in Your Drinking Water?
Be aware of the dangers of water-borne parasites. And remember, we’re not just talking about pools. We are also talking about the water from your tap, especially if you are on tank water.
Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know.
So.. why is most of our tap water. reticulated through pipes to our home, alkaline? It’s nothing to do with nature. It’s to do with the need to counter further acidity caused by the acidic chemicals we use to kill bugs in the water.
Don’t Drink the Water! ..ever.. again..
A team of environmental scientists has found that rainwater is no longer safe to drink anywhere on Earth
Is this what it takes to get kids to drink water?
What does it take to get kids to drink water? Could this be the answer? We hope not!
How Old is the Water in your body? Very, very old!
What if I told you that 70% of YOU: that is, the water that makes up ‘YOU”, is older than the earth itself? That ALL water on Earth is older than the planet?
Diet Soda and Dementia. Wow.
Can prolonged consumption of Diet Soda give us dementia? This study says so! And we’re also telling you what you can drink instead.. with equal slim-power!
Live in the USA? Lead in your water? Good news.. and bad.
So what does this mean? Bottom line? You may die waiting for clean water. Spend your money and take control. Buy a water filter that removes lead.