Be aware of the dangers of water-borne parasites. And remember, we’re not just talking about pools. We are also talking about the water from your tap, especially if you are on tank water.
Coffee and your Mouth. Very Important to Know!
Make it Easy to stay balanced. We eat alkaline foods for their alkaline mineral content, so why not simply eat the alkaline minerals our body needs instead? Too simple.
Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know.
So.. why is most of our tap water. reticulated through pipes to our home, alkaline? It’s nothing to do with nature. It’s to do with the need to counter further acidity caused by the acidic chemicals we use to kill bugs in the water.
Don’t Drink the Water! ..ever.. again..
A team of environmental scientists has found that rainwater is no longer safe to drink anywhere on Earth
Heavy metals with your steak, Sir?
“Sir, due to our new ‘honest food policy’, I am obliged to inform you that your Steak Bernaise has certain ingredients you may not be aware of.” What would you do? (Water filter)
What are the best Molecular hydrogen tablets?
The Best Molecular Hydrogen Tablets The questions of “What are the best molecular hydrogen tablets?”, “Why are the Drink HRW molecular hydrogen tablets the best?” and “How do Drink HRW molecular hydrogen tablets compare to “X” brand molecular hydrogen tablets?” come up every day in emails to our customer service. To answer these, many factors need to […]
Can Your Drinking Water Affect Your Gut Biome?
Arsenic is the silent and slow killer in our drinking water.. yet millions still slowly accumulate it in their daily draught straight from the tap. Here’s what you can do.
Hydrogen Water, Wrinkles, Zits and General Skin Health. Can it help me?
Can Hydrogen Water help skin health? An updated report.
Bottled water environmental impact: 3500 times worse than your tap water.
A study focused on Barcelona, found that the sustainability benefits of avoiding bottled water far outweighed the perceived health benefits of drinking it. Learn more about bottled water
Molecular Hydrogen: Can it help your sleep patterns? (copy)
Can molecular hydrogen helpm you to sleep better?
Catalytic Carbon: Why We Chose it Over Activated carbon in the UltraStream (copy)
Why Would You Want to Remove Chloramines? And What About the Fish?
Dr Susan Brown: our first choice in alkaline diet experts.
Alkaline diet is a very simple approach to improving the health of your bones that practitioners here in the US have overlooked for almost a century now. It’s available to anyone, it’s natural, it’s not terribly expensive — and you don’t even need health insurance to use it.
A Water Ionizer.. or Hydrogen tablet? It’s a good question!
We were lucky enough to be right there with the first ever hydrogen tablets some five years ago. Now we’re still way out front with our high yield hydrogen tablets.
Albert Szent-György and the unspoken truth about water.
This summary of his ideas about the role of water are nothing short of astounding. Read on and be amazed.
Graphene Oxide in your drinking water? Yet ANOTHER contaminant?
Graphene Oxide: a new water contaminant and how we MIGHT get rid of it.