
Once again.. Alkaline Water Proves its Worth.

Once again.. Alkaline Water Proves its Worth.

So.. what is real alkaline water? Simple. It’s water containing dissolved alkaline minerals. These minerals, once consumed, supplement our natural buffer or storehouse of alkaline minerals in the body, whose basic function is to neutralise excess acids that either enter the body or are generated metabolically.

FSDA bans cancer causing food additives

FSDA bans cancer causing food additives

Ever heard of benzophenone, ethyl acrylate, methyl eugenol, myrcene, pulegone or pyridine? Neither had I. They are all chemical compounds designed to mimic natural flavours. It’s most unlikely you’ve ever noticed them on a food label, Most food manufacturers tend to simply label them as ‘artificial flavours’.

When You Buy a Cheap H2 Bottle...

When You Buy a Cheap H2 Bottle…

I just got my hydrogen water bottle in the mail and I’ve got some questions. I used spring water bought from my store and saw some bubbles. There was no smell and the water tasted just like water. I then used tap water that was filtered and saw a LOT of bubbles. After the process finished, the water smelt like pool water and had a faint taste like pool water. I’m guessing that the chlorine got separated and became gas.

Want Stronger Bones? Drink Water, Dammit!

People are strange. They just won’t drink enough water. They somehow think that other liquids, especially those with some level of alcohol in them, are better than the sacred elixir that they are. They are? Yes! We are mostly water! And we use water! So Dammit, why won’t we drink enough water?

Molecular Hydrogen with Tyler LeBaron and Dr Joseph Mercola

Molecular Hydrogen with Tyler LeBaron and Dr Joseph Mercola

We’ve been talking about the benefits of molecular hydrogen for around 4 years, and we have thousands of clients benefiting from our hydrogen-infusing UltraStream water alkalizer, ionizer and filter. Now this talk with Tyler leBaron and Dr Mercola just about sunms it up perfectly.

Salad Daze

Salad Daze

Saled carze. Is it ahead of its recycling vision?